Iron III Chloride is a Chloride with the ability to corrode copper.
It is used in electronics to create PCBs (printed circuit boards).
Here you can see instructions on how to make Iron III Chloride by hand, with components that can be purchased in stores such as supermarkets.
Required Material: Muriatic Acid ~30%, Steel Wool, Hydrogen Peroxide 10 vol.(optional), Glass Cup, Stove(optional), Cloth.
1st - place the Muriatic Acid in a cup, in the desired amount of Iron III Chloride;
2nd - Fill the cup with Steel Straw so that it is covered by Muriatic Acid;
3th - Bearing in mind that this part creates flammable gas, heat it at a temperature that is not too high, approximately 60ÂșC;
4th - Leave it on the heat until the steel wool decomposes completely, resulting in a practically black mixture. If it completely decomposes, add more little by little until it becomes difficult to decompose;
5th - Remove from the heat and let it cool. After that, filter well with a cloth to remove any steel residue. A light green mixture is obtained;
Now with the light green mixture (this is Iron II Chloride), we have to change it to Iron III Chloride, in which to do so we have to oxidize it, PLEASE MARK THE LEVEL OF IRON II CHLORIDE OBTAINED!
6th - Add Hydrogen Peroxide to the mixture and mix well. It should release bubbles and heat up a little, keep adding it until there is no more reaction.
7th - Bring back to the heat and remove excess water from the mixture, until the marked level of Iron II Chloride is reached (Place at a temperature where vapors can be seen) BE CAREFUL THAT IT RELEASES TOXIC GAS.
Make Iron II and III Chloride ---| INDEX |---