LC Resonance Calculator

Brief for LC Resonance Calculator:

Here is possible to compute the L (inductor) and C (capacitor) for a tuned LC tank in serie or parallel. When the reactance of C and L cancel each other it enters in resonance.

Fill two of the three fields to compute de desired value, the frequency, the capcitance or the indutance.

LC Resonance formula
fFrequency in hertz
CCapacitance in farad
LInductance in henry


e+15 = Peta; e+12 = Tera; e+9 = Giga; e+6 = Mega; e+3 = Kilo; e-3 = mili; e-6 = micro; e-9 = nano; e-12 = pico; e-15 = femto

Brief for LC Resonance Circuit:

The LC circuit enters resonance when the magnitude of the Capacitive and Inductive Reactance cancel each other, when passing a certain frequency.

LC resonance tank circuit schematic


Wikipedia LC Circuit ---| INDEX |---