Compute the R (resistor), C (capacitor) or t (time) for a resistor and capacitor in series, powered by a DC voltage.
Fill two of the three fields to compute the desired value, the resistance, the capacitance or the time.
The RC Charge Time Circuit consists of an resistor and capacitor in series powered by a DC volatge, when time is 0 seconds (trun on the switch), it starts charging until it reach ~99% of the supply voltage (τ5), at that time no more current is passing through the circuit.
τ | Time in seconds, ~63% of charge |
t5 | Time in seconds, ~99% of charge |
R | Resistance in Ohm |
C | Capacitance in Farad |
τ5 | |
R | |
C | |
τ0.5 | |
τ0.7 | |
τ1.0 | |
τ2.0 | |
τ3.0 | |
τ4.0 | |
τ5.0 | |
e+15 = Peta; e+12 = Tera; e+9 = Giga; e+6 = Mega; e+3 = Kilo; e-3 = mili; e-6 = micro; e-9 = nano; e-12 = pico; e-15 = femto
Wikipedia RC Time Constant ---| INDEX |---