Passive RLC Filter Calculator

Brief for RLC Filter Calculator:

Compute the second order RLC filter using the given formula.

Fill two of the three fields to compute the desired value, the frequency, the capcitance and the indutance.

Fill the resistance to ccompute the Q factor (quality of circuit), require all other fields filled in.

The resistance is used to compute the Q factor, Higher Q more selective is the filter.

Brief for RLC Filter circuit:

Below are the arragements of the RLC Filter circuit to act as band-stop, high-pass, low-pass and band-pass frequency. Just the arrangement dictates the type.

LC filter formula
foRessonance Frequency in hertz
CCapacitance in farad
LInductance in henry
RResistance in ohms
QQuality factor
BWBandwidth 6dB in hertz

BW 6dB

e+15 = Peta; e+12 = Tera; e+9 = Giga; e+6 = Mega; e+3 = Kilo; e-3 = mili; e-6 = micro; e-9 = nano; e-12 = pico; e-15 = femto

LC filter schematic


Wikipedia RLC circuit ---| INDEX |---