Passive RC Filter Calculator

Brief for RC Filter Calculator:

Compute the first order RC filter using the given formula.

Fill two of the three fields to compute de desired value, the frequency, the resistance or the capacitance.

Brief for RC Filter circuit:

Below are the arragement for acting as high-pass or low-pass frequency. Just the arrangement indicates it's an high-pass or low-pass.

RC filter formula
fcCut-off Frequency in hertz
CCapacitance in farad
RResistance in ohm

f +3dB
f -3dB

e+15 = Peta; e+12 = Tera; e+9 = Giga; e+6 = Mega; e+3 = Kilo; e-3 = mili; e-6 = micro; e-9 = nano; e-12 = pico; e-15 = femto

RC filter schematic


Wikipedia Low-pass filter Wikipedia High-pass filter ---| INDEX |---